Vibration- How Many People?
Metal- Copper
Color- Green
Element Earth
Chakra- Heart
The Alchemical Ritual- Blue Colored Natron Acid (salt acid) is made by combining potassium nitrate and sulfuric acid and when they combine they made a precipitate (substance) that emerges like a new child being born. The use of acua fortis is used to separate silver from gold.
“Signs that conjunction are taking place are the growth of confidence, equinimity, and calmness. You start grinning at stupidity instead of getting angry. Within you, the feeling of an in destructive or “Default” presence grows stronger everyday.. gradually the Lesser Stone will be perfected and energy was an all-powerful state of conscious referred to as the Greater Stone. “ DW Hauck
Conjunction is symbolized with the Bull and Beast symbol because Conjunction merges the masculine pineal gland of rationalism with the feminine pituitary gland of intuition into the Lesser Stone. The merging of these two is to create the Oversoul. This is when wisdom and discernment start to become internally trustworthy. Trusting our heart is the merging of our gut and our mind.
The union between the King Pineal Gland and the Queen Pituitary Gland is achieved through meditative practice. The alchemical symbol is also a “hermaphroditic child” symbolizing the merging of masculine and feminine in a way that should be continually cared for, protected, and strengthened. For me I use “Self Hypnosis” for Dummies and I developed a happy place by answering the questions on page 33 and 34 and listed at the bottom of this page.
I travel to my peaceful world by closing my eyes and imaging myself falling into a void and when I can’t see the tunnel back to this world I start to dissolve into light with little flickers and fireflies coming off of me. I float down from the sky and I rest on the warm sand with tropical birds and the sounds of waves and sweet flowers in the air. It is a mild breeze of warm air and perfect humidity like a perfect hot spring. The oceans are emerald and have diamond coral and the moon is purple against a purple, orange, and yellow sky with black rocks across. I feel open in this place and like I am connected with how I really feel and have complete freedom of expression. I have my spirit wife who I’ve named Amara, it just kind of happened. Sometimes I go on adventures in my imagination, sometimes I speak to an older version of me on a mountaintop, other times I lay on the beach and conversate with Amara on how I can better serve people with my talents and make sure I’ve cleansed the rust from the the outer world.
When I wrote “How many people” the question was How many people are talented like you? How many people are blessed like you? How many people can compose on through these instruments? The riffs and lyrics sublimated from that experience in the deeper consciousness and the song reflects taking the lessons and from the inner feminine world and manifesting them outward in the masculine world. You’ll hear the difference in the parts where I say “How many people?” as well as in the “I manifest” and then the merging of the two showing my blessings and my gifts.
In the physical world it is supposed to represent the merging of technology and creativity which is when I started programming all the drums for the songs as well.
How to build a Peaceful World: