My Mission
To live in a world with more music than excuses.
I teach musical principles of transformation so anyone can create on the guitar.
I created the:
first 12 bar blues method course for guitar
I teach private online lessons.
New 12 Bar Blues lessons on youtube each week
the “no excuses Guitar Blog” is to help motivate you to overcome obstacles.
I have been a guitar teacher for 7 years and I’ve taught at Guitar Center, Bay Area Academy of Music, and the Garageband Academy.
I’ve studied with a guitar teacher for 10 years and have been writing music for 8 years.I have an AA degree in Kinesiology and Sports Coaching and BA degree in Philosophy from CSUEB.
I’ve had a 95% student retention rating for 3 years and continue to learn more about music every day.
Looking to the Future:
To have being a musician be the best job to have.
to have 100,000 new people create a 12 bar blues.
to create a No Bars Held Method certification
3 more teachers and no bars held for bass, mandolin, banjo, and piano.
Custom Guitars and Effect Pedals.
Contact info
I live in Brentwood, California.
Communication is very important to me, so feel free to email:
or call or text 510- 606- 8978
For a 30 minute online trial assess where you are at, where you want to go, and how to get there, and what to practice CLICK HERE
A little history:
I started out as Double Conscious Philosophy and Music to help people create music with meaning in 2016, yet “Grant Us Guitar” was easier to communicate.
I started teaching some friends for free to get experience and gained confidence to teach guitar at other music schools and stores while getting my degree in Philosophy at CSUEB.
I studied theory of knowledge, science, and ethics so I wanted to create a course that gives you the proper learning structure with a consistent method that values your choice and reduces suffering. Hence the No Bars Held Method.