Fermentation- Stage 2. Spiritization

Vibration- Letting Go

According to the Emerald Tablet, during Fermentation, we raise consciousness from the darkness of the animal body through personal meditation and planetary evolution. "Separate the Earth from Fire," it tells us, "the subtle from the gross, gently and with great Ingenuity." Vibrations and sound separate the subtle from the gross. The dynamics will develop a rhythm that removes the matter from the fire of our passion. When caked with mud the energy of the fire cannot shine through. The intense vibrations can shake and cripple the Earth into fine particles that give rise to flames. Breaking down the sludge gives a new fire of hope which inspires new creativity, originality, and innovation.

Immolating the ego filled with fear, sorrow, and despair reveals that we are part of one sound, one world, one spirit, one vibration. Set fire to the pain that makes us feel unique and trapped. It’s not just our own personal suffering its the entire worlds suffering. Suffering is contagious like anything else since we are all interconnected.

In Zazen just sitting with no expectation is one way of letting go of the past and future to become the now, though just doing anything for itself is a way of joining the one vibration. Om. Personally it’s when I’m playing guitar, I accept bad notes, melodies, and rhythms just as I accept good notes, melodies, and rhythms. I have no expectation of what I’ll create, but I have a feeling of allowing the vibrations and oneness to guide my intuition, creativity, and hands. Some do this with service, their writings, even just thinking can be a form of letting go. We live in a causal world where everything that has happened and will happen is already happening, it is ego, pride, fear, worry, that live in the past and future, and are concerned with expectations. How does it feel to take one breath, just for the sake of breathing, not for life, not for peace, just for breathing. In Zazen koan form, when I let go, everything comes.

I don’t subscribe to slave virtues, nihilism, or asceticism, meaning I think life has meaning, that we can change our circumstances, and we can have comfortable living. To clarify it further, it is a perception of what can I really have? What can I really change? How can I actually be comfortable and satisfied. No one can have health forever, or cars forever, or other people forever. No one can control the temperature and sometimes we can’t even control our instincts and emotions. If it can go away it was never there. Letting go is a mindfullness technique to think of what exists in the here and now. I’ve had some rough times, losing money, getting my ribs tattoo’d, getting sick, but I realize I can’t hold onto money cause I’ll need to use it. I can’t hold onto the pain of getting tattoo'd because its gone now. I can’t hold onto my sickness, but it will go away, or even darkly, I would go away. I can imagine the pain as a memory, or the fear as a memory, but how I imagine is up to me at that point. Letting go is a time for reimagining what we really are, right now. Where else can we be? I can be in the past or the future, but you can’t. You can be in your feelings, but I can’t. “We” can share the present though.

Color- Turquoise

The secondary phase of Fermentation is Spiritization wherein the spiritual power is harnessed from darkness and enlightens the alchemists purpose. Spiritization is achieved through uncovering deeper pain and shadow work. There is a turning point in which we realize connection to ourselves is not enough, we must seek union with all beings and in order to do so we must let go of past trauma, judgement, anger so we can hope and serve in clarity. Letting go allows for higher inspirational vibrations to enter into our minds and develop greater synchronicities in achieving our truest desires in the moment.