10. Distillation

vibration- Getting Better

Once we begin our Spiritization we must find a way to continue to integrate all of these spiritual realizations into our lives in order to allow them to become permanent- One example of Distillation is finding ways to live from a daily place of inner peace – even in the most mundane circumstances. With enough repeated practice of constantly dying and being reborn in the present moment without entering again into the habits, identifications and cycles of the mind, we experience a strong and profound inner transformation. In the East, this is what is mostly defined as “enlightenment.”

Distillation is the boiling and condensation of fermented substances. The goal of distillation is to continually purify and refine the substance. There is no ending, just a beginning to get a little purer in our intentions, goals and a little softer in our minds, looser in our jaws. There is no other goal other than to get better. Perfectionism is what keeps us attached to egoic ideas and roles to which can keep us imprisoned in definitions to fulfill the idea of perfection.

If you remember from the beginning, the idea of alchemy is that nature always goes towards perfection and balance, which they symbolize as goal. To align with the oneness of ourself and align with the world that is built to serve we must trust that things always get better.