11. Coagulation

Vibration- Now and Then

Chemically, coagulation is the sublimation of the distilled fermented substance. The synopsis of all total experience. The Alchemists believed that upon completing this stage higher levels of consciousness are attained and the Golden Philsopher’s Stone allows them to exists on all levels of being. The legends state that during this stage a heavenly food rejuvenates the cells and creates an inner body of light that radiates through the Crown Chakra of inspiration.

The meeting point between two opposites such as the spiritual self and raw matter, heaven and hell, and life and death, is the point where existence become self-aware. This is the moment when our lives are without duality; when matter becomes spirit, or the spirit is manifested in material form .

According to the Emerald Tablet, "Thus will you obtain the Glory of the Whole Universe. All Obscurity will be clear to you. This is the greatest Force of all powers, because it overcomes every Subtle thing and penetrates every Solid thing."

This vibration was created because I wanted to summarize all the steps of the alchemical process and my life up until this point. I realized all the bad leads to good and the good leads to better. Times I thought I was done for I was only just beginning. The merging of opposites, opera and death metal, acoustic guitar and thrash metal guitar, steel guitar and nylon guitar, turning a moment I felt like everything is okay into a vibration that can be repeated infinitely. This is the goal of every alchemist to turn lead into gold or sorrow into hope.

Creator, make me an instrument of Thy peace to manifest:

Love over hate, forgiveness over revenged, harmony over discord, truth over error, faith over doubt, hope over despair, light over shadows, joy over sadness.

Creator, grant that I may seek rather to:

Comfort, than to be comforted; to understand, than to be understood; to love, than to be loved.  

For it is by self forgetting, that one finds. It is by forgiving, that one is forgiven. It is by dying, that one awakens to Eternal Life. 
