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Welcome Guitar Hero and Great Decision!

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Your journey to guitar nirvana has begun.

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3 Quick Things

1.Check your email for the course access link and instructions.

2. In that Email Register for the weekly “Live From Guitar Nirvana” online group Classes.

3. Save your Grant Us Guitar “Buy 4 Get 4” online lessons certificate in your email.

My intention for these play shops and guitar course is to build rapport and trust with you. Just like learning the guitar, you only get what you give. So give we will be giving it our all!

If you like how it goes and want to take your musicianship to the next level then you’ll sign up for Music Maker I to I classes or purchase our Dragon Scales and No Bars Held Courses.

Any questions email:


No Bars Held Guitar Course
Grant Us Guitar - Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt
Make Music or Make Excuses- Short Sleeve Unisex Softstyle T

 Guitar Hero Students

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SongWriter in action

Ryan leading the band in one of his songs he wrote. We took the notes and principles from the piano and transformed them into guitar for a mix of electronic and realistic sounds.

Grant Us Guitar Lessons

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 Student Reviews