All my products grant you the principles and support to express your truth so you always…
make more music than excuses.
elevating guitar players into always inspired musicians
Connecting to your truest and freest part of self, is the source of everlasting creativity, inspiration, and happiness. I believe you have this light and that I can show you how to let it shine on the guitar. Using a principles first approach, your personality and creativity are always honored because the content is meant for you to bend, transform, and discover with. The biggest problem in music education today is a lack of connection to internal joy and emphasizing recitation over creation.
Fear will deaden motivation and stifle your enthusiasm, confidence, and joy. Fear keeps you learning and listening to: the same songs or method books from 30 years ago, watching the same kind of beginner’s tutorial videos, and having your guitar collect dust, because it’s scary to take a leap into new territory. You’re stuck in a rut and can’t get out, so now you contemplate stagnation.
I love showing students how to experience wonder musically instead wandering musically. When you are lost and wandering all you can think about is going back home to safety. When you have a map, you can be present and confident in where you are going. You can hear the bird’s chirping, the ocean lapping on the coastline, and feel the sun’s warmth, as you venture to the highest mountain point or the hidden waterfall. When you’re prepared and have support, all you can think about is what achievement you want next.
The best part about the guitar is that mapping the instrument out is simple, yet a highly personal and subjective experience. The way that you see, visualize, and connect the frets together mentally and then express that physically is an abundant experience that you can start doing instantly. I help you realize that for yourself.
New students saying “I’m actually playing the guitar, not just playing a song, this is actual music, my own music” is music to my ears.
Make More Music Than Excses
Access to the No Bars Held Course- Complete Video Lessons Course to Correct Guitar and Music Epistemology Through Playing and Creating with the 12 Bar Blues. Over 120 video exercises, recordings, charts, and backing tracks, support, and ever growing.
Create your own music and genre with the chords, techniques, scales, and drum beats within the course levels in personal online guitar lessons.
Flexible Makeup lessons and Credits
Assistance- Online Help for questions outside of your lesson time
Guitar Principles- Chords, Scales, Arpeggios, Picking, Legato, Muting, Harmonics, Bends
Music Principles- Harmony, Rhythm, Chord Progressions, Dynamics, Articulation, etc.
Creative Principles- Songwriting, Improvisation, Call and Response, more
My Mission
To live in a world with more music than excuses.
I teach musical principles of transformation so anyone can create on the guitar.
To help you make More Music
8 Steps to Guitar Nirvana Beginners Course Initiation Series
First 12 bar blues method course for guitar
Dragons Scales Ultimate Guitar Scales Guide
I teach Song Writing and Guitar Theory Private Online Guitar lessons.
New Guitar Tutorials Each Week on Youtube.
Grant Us the Fundamentals of Creation
The 8 Steps to Guitar Nirvana Course is a Free Course to Help you Make More Music than Excuses.
Watch the video lessons and ask for help.
12 Lessons on the essentials of being a great guitar player.
The 8 Steps to Guitar Nirvana Course is a Free Course to Help you Make More Music than Excuses. Watch the video lessons and ask for help. 12 Lessons on the essentials of being a great guitar player.
I have been a guitar teacher for 10 years and I’ve taught at Guitar Center, Bay Area Academy of Music, and the Garageband Academy before opening up my home studio in Brentwood, CA.
I’ve studied with a guitar teacher for 10 years and have been writing music for 18 years.I have an AA degree in Kinesiology and Sports Coaching and BA degree in Philosophy from CSUEB.
I’ve had a 95% student retention rating for 3 years and continue to learn more about music every day.
I currently play bass and lead guitar in Namarados Da Lua, a premier Bay Area Afro Brazilian samba reggae rock band. I also play lead guitar for Yero “The God” a high caliber hip hop artists from Oakland, CA. I am the lead vocalist for up and coming metal band “Deadringer”. I enjoy performing and creating a positive atmosphere where people can dance, shout, and express themselves to the fullest. I’ve built two custom guitars, a double neck SG named “Nuit” and a Jaguar guitar named “Sage”. I’ve got many guitars, but they all have names!
My favorite genres and guitarists: blues, rock, heavy metal, alternative, samba, jazz, country, shred and reggae. Steve Vai, Jimi Hendrix, Randy Rhoads, Guthrie Govan, Buddy Guy, Jimi Paige, Peter Tosh.
Looking to the Future:
To have being a musician be the best job to have.
to have 10,000 new people create a 12 bar blues.
to create a No Bars Held Method certification
Custom Guitars and Effect Pedals.
Contact info
I live in Brentwood, California.
Communication is very important to me, so feel free to email:
or call or text 510- 606- 8978
For the Free Music Breakthrough Course CLICK HERE
A little history:
I started teaching some friends to get experience and since they had great results I teach guitar at other music schools and stores while getting my degree in Philosophy at CSUEB.
I studied theory of knowledge, science, and ethics so I wanted to create a course that gives you the proper learning structure with a consistent method that values your choice and promotes creation and expression. Hence the No Bars Held Method.