ARchetype #1
Song Bird
Strengths: Song Birds are salt of the earth and happy go lucky people. They enjoy playing songs for friends and family at parties, campfires, and on social media. They have a huge musical library spanning lots of genres. They are walking discographies, loyal fans, and can tell you 10 weird facts about their favorite musicians. They have great musical phrasing and are strong at ear training. They tend to be interested in learning all parts of the song, not just the guitar parts.
Challenges: Things that Song Birds struggle with is follow through, isolation, developing an authentic feel with the instrument, and G.A.S (gear acquisition syndrome). Song birds usually learn the hooks or run into a challenge in a song and stop there. They picked up the guitar to add joy, ambience, and fun to their life but more importantly to others life, so having a campfire or showcase venue is important to them. They tend to learn the right notes yet their dynamics and technique can seem a little stiff or forced. To compensate for some of these set backs they look for new pedals, guitars, or quick educational programs like “25 Awesome Rock Licks You Must Know”
Solutions: You got to pick 10 of your favorite guitar players and write a guitar riff that sounds like them. “Like attracts Like”. So what you like about other guitar players must be within you to be able to recognize it. You should try to find backing tracks of songs that you like and instead of playing the solo exactly, find out the key and then use the scales to improvise. You should ask your friends, family, or romantic partner which song they would like to hear. Try to find a couple friends or an online group where you can post your playing and share your love for your favorite bands with other die hard fans.
After a couple months of these exercises this is Brandon at age 12 performing Purple Rain: