Open Letter to New Guitar Aspirants

I was surprised when I started teaching that some students that had been taking lesson for years couldn’t do beginner things. Real beginner things like play with a drum beat, count the repetitions of a riff, transition in songs correctly, or create a riff or improvise a solo. I felt bad because I couldn’t imagine picking up a guitar and not being able to do those. So I vowed to always make sure no one I teach misses out on these principles. In your first class called “1 hour rockstar” we make sure you get the full experience of creating on the guitar. 

Aspiring Songwriters- If you are a beginner guitarist and think “I can’t make my own music yet”, I’m happy to tell you that you are far more capable than you think. It is way easier to make your own music within these concepts than it is to play someone else’s music using these concepts. You probably believe that because you’ve tried guitar lessons before via a teacher, online courses, or youtube cover song tutorials, but things just didn’t feel right. But no one ever helped you figure out what does feel right! These guitar and music principles I show you are elements that when combined with your natural tendencies and aptitudes create music even in your first lesson. 


Ethan captivates and encapsulates the atmosphere of "Halloween Eve". He Used the Song Writer Lesson Classes to work out different sections using the diminished scales.


Aspiring Shredders- Sometimes I’ll admit, I don’t relate to longer time players who say they are stuck in a box or in a rut, because I’ve been playing the ruts (techniques, scales, chords, sequencing, and arpeggios) for 16 years and I’ve never felt stuck. The real problem they have is they don’t really have a rut or box at all. They have decorations and souvenirs from songs and lessons they’ve watched, but they have no house to put them in; or knowledge how to build a house for themselves. So they are stuck. 

The trickiest part will be convincing that you need more structure to get unstuck. But think of it as building more pathways, detours, and scenic routes on your guitar journey. More places to visit, more places to explore, and more risks and adventures you can take. 


Aspiring Song Birds- While most people want to learn songs as soon as they start on the guitar, it sets you up for disappointment. The songs you like are most likely from professional musicians and while the chords or notes may be easier, there are certain subtle techniques that you should know first. I was inspired by AC/DCs “Back in Black”, but I could never get the lick to sound quite right in the beginning. However once I learned the pentatonic scale and mastered hammer ons and pull offs and bends, it shredded. So it’s good to use cover songs as motivation, yet to play them well you have to learn the fundamentals first. Making your own music with my help is going to make learning those concepts much more fun. We have section in the 90 Day Guitar hero program whee you can pick from 12 songs that you can learn in 1 hour, if you’ve done the lessons before. 


This program is for those with a desire to make more music than excuses on the electric or acoustic guitar.