3.         Separation

Vibration- I Am Invocation 

Metal- Tin

Separation is closely entwined with shadow work in that we must allow all feelings and thoughts within us to surface side by side.

The process of separation involves truly becoming aware of our authentic feelings for a person, or for ourselves.

In this stage we honestly experience our anger, frustration or disappointment towards another or ourselves, rather than reverting back to the old habit of dutifully trying to “forgive” or “forget” because it is the “right” or comfortable thing to do. This helps us to isolate particular elements of our character in order to honestly see and assess them.

In order to cope in a hyper- categorized society we adopt roles to reduce our identity and pigeon whole our purpose to “serve” the larger commodification machine, some may call this “specialization”. These specialization roles destroy everything that is special about us when we become the role, rather than maintain a healthy separation.

These roles have definitions and purposes that either protect us or destroy us. It is the easier softer way to adopt a character with a script to feel perfect rather than accept our true nature that remains uncategorized, or decommodified. A “free spirit” is exactly what it’s called. It’s not bought or sold, for sale, has no obligations or reasons to be afraid in the world.

When these roles are challenged or confused or unsuccessful we believe that our true self, our real identity is also unsuccessful. The pressure of our day to day lives has the roles we play driving our spirit rather than our spirit driving our roles. Behaviors that crush our souls are necessary to keep these roles alive.

We will now try to separate the roles from the souls.

Separation is the stage where we make our thoughts and emotions more defined by isolating them from other thoughts and emotions.

Take a break from being the roles and masks you are compelled to play to remember all that you are.

Take time to listen to your own thoughts and feelings within. Let the things that weigh you down go to the bottom of the pond, in order to gain clarity.