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Each track of this album is meant to guide your vibrations through metal. To help us see the duality of all things, eliminate negative labels and thinking, to become a mover in our lives rather than pulled along. Meditate to the track or scream along. The album is tuned to 432hz for maximum transcendence.

There are seven principles in Alchemy: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. In simpler terms from the Kybalion: 1. All is Mind 2. As Above So Below 3. “Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything Vibrates” 4. Everything is Dual; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet.” 5. Everyting Flows; The swing to right is as on the left. 6. Raise Your vibration to be a Cause not an Effect. 7. Everything has Masculine and Feminine Principles in all Planes. The Latin root for “gender” translates to “create, manifest”.

Mental Transmutation is the goal of spiritual alchemy is its objective: to free you from your core wounds, core beliefs, soul loss and other self-destructive personality structures in order for you to live freely and unobstructed.  Existing in “pure being,” which is the gold of alchemy. It attempts to restructure your personality and the various levels of attachment, avoidance and identification you possess. Mental Transmutation in the Kybalion “Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibartion to vibration. Ture Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art.

Alchemy was famed the “Art of Fire” and the alchemists “Philosophers by Fire”. This change is referred to as Homo Faber- the fundamental idea that Nature is perpetually self improving. All metals tend to become gold and do so over centuries of change. We can quicken the process. Diving into our inner nature, that which is wild and needs no rules, the we as alchemists discovers the secrets of creativity and give to others to achieve vicarious immortality. 

Physical alchemy is concerned with altering the elements, a time when spirituality and chemistry were mixed, however spiritual alchemy is concerned with freeing your inner creator which is trapped under the rust of unrefined parts of yourself. The rust is composed of fears, self loathing, limiting beliefs, self doubt, etc.

Alchemy is ultimately concerned with transformation and change through philosophical, psychological, and spiritual means.

LEt’s eliminate the rust.