#1 -Fundamental Metal Guitar Riffs with Tabs

Students asked how to start playing metal rhythm guitar? What is a metal scale and drums like? How do you use the chords and harmonics in a riff? So if you've wondered how to get your footing in metal these are the basic riffs that modern metal is derived from.

Crash and Thrash Course: These are homages to my favorite riffs that I learned early in my metal guitar playing stages. This jam emphasizes more of the rhythm guitar persona and right hand rhythm, control, and palm muting. I'm using the 1,4,5 progression in a loose 12 bar blues structure.

Bat Country- 0:03- 1:02 Madhouse- 1:03-46 Chorus- 1:47-2:01 Bat Country- 2:02-2:46 Chorus- 2:46- 3:01 Madhouse- 3:02-3:46 Ruin your rest- 3:47-4:27 Zombie Eruption: 4:28-4:52 Chorus- 4:55 to end

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