Crossroads #4- Combining The Blues and Thrash Metal Guitar Lesson
Have you wanted to get that Dimebag Darrel and Zakk Wylde type of sound? Well using a high gain amplifier, the 12 bar blues, the pentatonic blues scale, and some palm muting can take you there!
In this video I show you the first riff from my song "The Last Bluesbender" where we focus on diminished guitar runs, modulating keys with the 12 bar, scale sequencings, hammer on and pull offs, palm muting techniques, and a little bit of theory.
There are tabs in the beginning if you just want to slow down and play along. In this lesson I'll teach you how I teach my students step by step how to practice this riff. Feel free to comment and ask questions and make requests.
If you don't know the twelve bar blues format. It is a structure that chooses a root note. In this case E and then the fourth and fifth notes; so A and B. If you look at the structure it goes, 1, 1, 1, 1 4, 4, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1, 5.
The first four measures I call the head- it establishes the key. The second four measures I call the river as things start to twist and turn. The last four measures are called the "Turnaround" which is the most chaotic and builds tension and anticipation to return back to the one.
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If you are interested in learning the fundamentals of guitar chords, harmony, and rhythm check out my "No Bars Held" 12 Bar Blues Guitar Method video course