Grant Us Power, knowledge, & creativity

Personal guitar lessons are about bringing out the music within you. At music academies, I was teaching 40 students a week. The curriculum taught valued conformity and recitation as its metric of success . I agree there are universal principles to the guitar. However, I believe each person should express those principles differently. That is fun of music. I left the music academy so I could focus on honoring students personalities, uniqueness, and creativity. I built the “No Bars Held” Guitar Course which teaches the essential vocabulary, theory, and techniques that great guitar players have. So that these future great guitar players will be great musicians.


online Private guitar lessons

Let’s find out where you are at, where you want to go, and what you should practice the next couple months.


Other Music Teacher school’s policies

1. Strict Makeup policies

2. No outside contact with your instructor

3. Can’t give outside learning materials

4. Teachers don’t control their schedules.

5. No wifi in the school

6. Don’t pay teachers enough to keep them long-term

7. Strict Rates and Tuition

8. No online community learning platform

Grant Us Unique Offers..

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1. 24/7 access to google classroom for you to ask questions and get a video response during the week

2. Your lesson plans are custom and you get access to drum beats, digital music, and exercises

3. You have flexible make ups and credits for missed lessons

4. You can contact my Personal email and phone contact during the week.

5. You can explore an online course with over 200 videos, audio, and drum exercises.

6. Create your own custom music

Why learn the guitar?

The guitar is best instrument to make more music than excuses. The guitar has the most possible ways of creating and expressing yourself. It takes your whole mind, body, and spirit to create with and as a result you get a connection like no other. The guitar is a continual source of inspiration, looks super cool, and lets you play every style of music. Though it's hard in the beginning it only get easier and more open.

The guitar is the best of both worlds because you have strings like the violin which can be bent and slid up, but you also have the predictability of frets that make it like the piano. There’s continuous innovation sonically on the instrument as well as new techniques invented every year.

All you have to do on the guitar is take a principle like a chord, scale, progression, sequence and then take risk. Play a new note with it, change the rhythm, or add a technique, and you have your own music, every single time.

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How Do I Teach?


Once I learn why you are playing guitar, I can teach you how and what to play the way that is best for you to learn. The course I have is to help you find your musical DNA of what spikes and lowers your interest. When we form your musical DNA your progress and guitar playing with come to life.

I teach to give you the tools to express your imagination with No Bars Held. I use my No Bars Held course with play along videos, audio, and sheet music to teach you music theory, song writing, scales, chords, and rhythm through the 12 bar blues. Your private lessons can include learning cover songs, writing your own songs, and focusing most on techniques, recording, and theory.

If you need help during the week please email me or text me and I’ll help you out!



Do you want to make more music than excuses?

1 hour 80$/week ($320/Month)

45 minutes 60$/Week ($240/Month)

30 Minutes $40/Week ($160/Month)

1. Weekly online live session

2. Online Guitar Course Access

3. Songwriting and Recording

4. 24/7 Text/Video Responses,

5. Quarterly Recitals

6. Makeup lessons

Electric Guitar & Acoustic Guitar

Venmo, Google Pay, Paypal, Apple Pay

(lessons paid for the entire month during the first week)


Why I teach?

Young Grant at the first band practice with Lucy V

Young Grant at the first band practice with Lucy V

Why do I teach? I teach the guitar because I enjoy being people’s advocate for manifesting their dreams. Teaching music is one way in which I do that. I’ve had a teacher that helped me become the guitar player and musician that I am today, and he’s still my favorite guitar player. It’s also really fun to make money teaching rock and metal songs as well as surprising to see students branch out into many musical styles and create their own style. I enjoy helping people become a fan of themselves.

My goal in teaching is to have you not need me as a teacher anymore. It sounds paradoxical but that’s what the goal is. I want to show you the principles of music and guitar in such a way that you’ll be independent and then become interdependent.

Who do I teach best? I teach creators the best. The students that want to learn how rock and blues music is created and why it works to make their own. These are the students that want to know how to create music and dive deeper into the instrument. Or students that really want to learn certain songs and listen to music every day.

Who don’t I teach best? Students that don’t listen to guitar music outside of class or in daily life. Students that miss a class a month do much worse than others students. They don’t like blues, rock, or metal.

What the Reviews say

Trial Lesson Application

Makeup policy:

I plan my weeks and time to accommodate you and assist in your musical goals. When students cancel for recreational activities, miscommunications between activities, time management miscalculations, there are other opportunities that I miss out on such as giving another student a lesson. I offer make up lessons for less than 48 hour cancellations, but not refunds.

I also give you two of my guitar programs No Bars Held and Dragon Scales for access for your lessons as well as 24/7 access to ask questions. If you miss a lesson on short notice, just ask me what to learn and I will prepare it for you during the hour you missed.

Personal guitar lessons are about bringing out the music within you. When I was teaching 40 students a week at music schools the curriculum taught everyone the same thing in order to get the same results. I agree there are universal principles to the guitar. However I believe each person can express those principles differently. That is fun of music. I left the music academy so I could focus on honoring students personalities, uniqueness, and creativity. I built the “No Bars Held” Guitar Course which teaching the essential vocabulary, theory, and techniques that great guitar players have. So that these great guitar players I’m teaching will be great musicians.