Tiranía by Transcendentia



José Gabriel Valentín wrote:

Here I share with you the meaning of our newest single "Tiranía" released yesterday on Spotify:

Abuse of power and discrimination in a modern world where you have to sacrifice everything in your life to achieve success and carry on even if there's a government that uses its regime to ride roughshod over our rights as people in a society. "Tiranía" means "tyranny" in Spanish. 

I wrote this song in a moment I was experimenting and seeing politicians taking control arbitrarily in my country as well as the "game" that our education system represents in our modern times due to the government's way of leading control in our society. In 2019, our ex-governor Ricardo Roselló was involved in social media gossip until the information was leaked and people were very indignant to what we as citizens thought was a good leader. This is my way of expressing freedom and justice from the lies that we are fed everyday in the media and what the media doesn't tell us, washing our brains and limiting ourselves into achieving wisdom. 
Good vibes and peace brother! 🙏

~ José Gabriel Valentín

What stands out to me about music is how it illuminates just how conscious and articulate people really are. It makes no sense to me how bands like Transcendentia would need anybody controlling their lives. If they can articulate multiple harmonies between the vocals, with a mix of timbres, abstract synth, and hypnotic drums, into a melodic journey to freedom; I once again have faith in anarchy.

The beginning of the song uses fantastically articulated diminished guitar runs that set the stage for an epic journey. The melisma and flamenco fuerte in the vocals are phenomenal and very difficult to do in a heavy metal guitar driven band. The melodies actually synergize each other in a way that inspires me to do better compositionally. The tone is dark and cold like Swedish Death Metal, but has the production of power-metal mixed with Nu-metal groove. The synthesizer in the background keeps the mix glued together and takes the harsh edges off of the distortion guitars. If you ever wondered what it would be like to be indoctrinated into brotherhood of freedom and dissent against authoritarianism, during the bridge you will feel ready to gain some comrades. The chant into the guitar solo I imagined as a metaphor for the individual being allowed to shine against a dark backdrop of a corrupt government system. 

Check out Transcendentia and their song Tirania and follow them on Spotify and their facebook page

Follow the playlist for more meaningful metal and send your submissions to grant@dcphilosophy.com

Follow the playlist for more meaningful metal and send your submissions to grant@dcphilosophy.com

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